What is French apéro?
L’apéro is the short name for l’apéritif . L’apéro is a pre-dinner drink with small plates. It’s normally between 6pm (18h00) and 9pm (21h00) and it can sometimes turn into your meal for the night. If it’s a full meal, it’s called “Un apéro dînatoire”. It’s very laid back and casual, there’s no fixed length for an apéro. It can last 30 minutes to 3 hours. It can be as simple as a quick drink with olives. But like most things, it’s often good food with good friends and it’s over when it gets too late.
“Tu viens pour l’apéro ? On pourra s’installer sur la terrasse.”
Are you joining us for an apéro? We can sit on the patio.
What to bring to l’apéro?
It’s always a good idea to bring something- a drink and/or appetizer to share.
Here are a few ideas of what type of food to bring:
– A pain de campagne fresh from the boulangerie + some tapenade
– A pain aux céréales + rillettes (a rillette is similar to a paté, but it’s shredded pork or duck)
– Olives+ cornichons + caviar d’aubergines (eggplant dip) + paté
– Cheese to cut in slivers: Comté, Tomme, Beaufort, Tête de Moine, etc. (I love P’tit Basque + Confiture de cerises)
– A saucisson (So many kinds: peppered, with nuts or herbs…)
As far as drinks…
– a bottle of wine or beer
– a carafe of water
– a bottle of freshly squeezed juice from the market
Check out my recipe for French Toast aka “Pain Perdu”
“J’ai amené un saucisson aux noisettes, pour l’apéro.
(I brought a hazelnut saucisson for the apéro.)
What happens at the apéro?
Chilling. And you’ll rarely stay just for the apéro. It is often an excuse to enjoy a full evening together!
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