tea La Tisaniere || podcast Disgraceland || bulbs Hyacinth || stylus Adonit Jot Pro Fine || ring Gold Signet Ring || tote Longchamp || mouse Jelly Comb
Tea: Pamplemousse Drainage + Elimination Tea
It’s marketed as a health tea to drink after you’ve eaten too much fatty food, sugar, or salt. Do I think it has many benefits for these claims? Not really. I just drink it because it’s delicious on it’s own. No need to add honey or milk.
Ingredients include: cherry stems, hibiscus, rooibos, grapefruit flavor, green coffee,
Ingredients: queues de cerise (45%), hibiscus, rooibos, arome pamplemousse (9%), café vert (3.5%), racines de chicorée torréfiées (3.5%), oranger (2%), arome (2%), morceaux de pamplemousse (1%), romarin (1%).
For More on Tea, Check out: Holistic Benefits of Drinking Spicy Tea
Podcast: Disgraceland
Disgraceland is a true crime podcast about musicians getting away with murder and behaving very badly. Thirty minute episodes that trace the most insane criminal stories surrounding our most interesting and infamous pop stars.
For More on Podcasts, Check out: My Favorite True Crime Podcasts
It’s that time of year! Just keep the soil moist and soon enough you’ll have lovely Tulips, Daffodils, or Hyacinths.
This purchase had been on my mind for months, but I put it off because I’m a budgeting queen. What ultimately changed my mind was my hand was starting to feel crampy … making me afraid of strain or Carpel-Tunnel.
So I went ahead and purchased this stylus! My boyfriend was making fun of me for spending money on this… but now he keeps asking me to borrow it and compliments it. Plus it comes in gold, silver, and rose gold. Classy AF
Want to see my 7 things from last month?
7 Things from January
Rosegold Signet Ring
This month I was gifted a rosegold signet ring with a rose engraving. It’s such a classic piece of jewelry and love the modern femme twist in the rosegold and a little design. Unfortunately, my ring isn’t available for sale anywhere but I’m linking this one from Vanessa Lianne. Vanessa is dedicated to using the most sustainable and ethical practices and materials possible. Metals are 100% recycled, all natural stones are ethically sourced and diamonds are reclaimed and sourced through vendors that adhere to the Kimberly process.
Longchamp Le Pliage Neo Tote
This one was another gift… more specifically for Valentine’s Day from mon amour. I was SHOCKED, guys. Like this is one of the nicest gifts I’ve received from him. I was dropping hints about lots of ideas big and small. I was thinking about getting this with my own money because it was on sale merci, SOLDES. A few opinions: don’t bother with the long handles. the short handles are great for the crook of your arm or in your hand. It comes with a strap if you want it on your shoulder.
I got Navy because that was the sale color, but I think this one is so chic in Black as well.
Gold Wireless Mouse
Remember what I was saying about the stylus? ^^^ Yeah, this was on the list as well. I work on my laptop a LOT. And the repeated claw hand clicking and scrolling was starting to have some negative consequences. Not about that arthritis life So I went ahead and added this to my Amazon cart and OH MAN, I LOVE THIS THING. It’s a compact, cheap, decent quality wireless mouse. The one drawback is it runs on a battery. I wish it was rechargeable.
Et voilà! Some reviews and loves from this month! Best believe I’m gonna be using them all year.
What have you been loving? Have you tried what I featured?
Lovely post! I love the long champ bag, it’s gorgeous! Just followed you, I think your blog is great ^^
Anne Donahoe
Thanks! I’ll follow back, I love your blog too
Angela N.
I will have to check out the podcast. I love watching ID tv, but I’m wondering how listening to crime stories without the visual would be! also, I planted my tulip bulbs early winter. I’m looking forward to seeing how they turn out.
Anne Donahoe
Yes! The best part of spring are bulbs. I was surprised how fragrant my hyacinths are! And yeah, I have a link to a FULL POST on my fave true crime shows. It’s definitely one of my fave genre’s of podcasts. I love hearing all the evidence presented and trying solving the case.
that ring is the cutest!!! I also need that stylus probably. always on my phone/tablet!
Anne Donahoe
It changed my hand’s quality of life lol No. More. Claw. Hand!
Catherine Yvonne
That ring is gorgeous!
Anne Donahoe
I love signet rings! Sorry I couldn’t find the exact one I got as a gift, but there are so many options out there
Whitney Dawn
Obsessed with that gold wireless mouse!! I want it! I love the laptop bag too!
Anne Donahoe
Yes! Get it, I’m so happy with it. It was under 10 euros!
Lovely! I love the Longchamp tote! I love handbags☺. Thanka for sharing
Anne Donahoe
It’s so light, it’s going to be my new go-to!